DWA Testing -Block Schedule
Let's Make A D.E.A.L (No Place for Hate) in the Quad during lunch
Credit Recovery: Biology M, T, W, Th 7:00-7:55 am Rm. 408 (M. Lara)
7 AM
7:55 AM
College Boost in CAV Center 1:00-3:30 pm
1 PM
3 PM
Principal's mtg. 1:00-4:00 pm SDR (Pijl)
1 PM
4 PM
APEX: Rm. 131 (DuFault) 3:00-5:00 pm
3 PM
5 PM
Credit Recovery: World History Rm. 121 (Campos) 3:00-5:00 pm
3 PM
5 PM
Dept. Ch. mtg. Rm. 115 3:00-3:45 pm
3 PM
3:45 PM
Employee Recognition Program @ the GG Community Meeting Center 3:30 pm- Ballard (15), Beaubier (30), Borutzki (20), Caiseros (20), Centeno (15), Coyle (15), Diaz (15), Doone (15), DuFault (25), Eckert (15), Esparza (30), Heiland (20), H. Johnson (25), Khalaf (10), Kuberski (30), Scott Lee (20), Morrell (30), Newcomer (15), Lydia Orozco (15), Martha Orozco (15), Peña (15), Pham (10), Pijl (25), Shin (15), Stapatyanon (15), Tachibana (15), Virgen (25)
3:30 PM
4:30 PM