Leslie Alpert » Welcome 😊

Welcome 😊

Thank you for visiting Mrs. Alpert's page. I am proud to be starting my 21st year at Santiago High School. Santiago is the greatest place to work because I have the best students, teacher friends/cousins, and admin team in Garden Grove Unified! I teach Advanced Placement Human Geography and College Prep World History.  

I am involved in many activities on campus, including the Red Cross Club, the History and Geography Club, and the National Honor Society. Additionally, I am the department chairwoman for the History Social Sciences. During my free time, you can find me spending time with my family, trying out new food, traveling, and reading.
Please email me if you would like access to our Google Classroom. 

I'm looking forward to an awesome 2024-2025 school year! 
PS. That photo is of me in the British Library with an enigma machine!